Tuesday, 19 July 2016


you can use the follwing metods to take screenshots in windows pc :-

1) Use The Keyboard Shortcut - PrtScn (Print Screen)

The most popular method is to use the print screen key on your keyboard. what you have to do ii just press the print screen key and then just open the paint program(you can use any other editing program too) and paste the screen shot and save the file 

2) Use The Keyboard Shortcut - Windows + PrtScn

If you want to take a screenshot of the whole screen and save it as a file on the hard drive, without using any other tools, then press Windows + PrtScn on your keyboard. It will store the screenshot in the Pictures library, under Screenshots.(Only works on windows 8/8.1/10)

 3) Use The Snipping Tool

The above two methods are a little bit time taking if you want a cropped image and not the preview of the whole screen. in such cases just use the inbuilt "snipping tool"(it comes preinstalled with windows).  Just go to the Start Menu, choose Accessories and then click Snipping Tool and then select the required area (Drag the mouse holding right click) and save the file(You can also do minor edits using the tools provided in snipping tool's menu bar ).

Hope you guys like our posts . Follow via email for more such content.

Sunday, 10 July 2016

Effect Of Installing Multiple OS On Same Device

 Many users have a misconception that installing multiple os ( windows 7,windows 8,ubuntu......) in same device can slow it down . But this is not true you might install multiple OS's as per your requirements, it won't effect the speed of your computer .
The reason for this is, when you choose to run an OS it just runs the system files of that particular OS and the other OS's have no effect on the operation of the CPU.

Only what you have to worry about is the disk space..the more OS's you install,the less hard disk space is left with you,because installing an OS would require you to install it's system files,its applictions separately, which would take a vast amount of space in your hard disk

NOW, you know that you can ininstall windows 7/8/10 or any other OS without worrying about the speed of your computer .

If you wanna  install an OS without spending any of your bucks, refer here "http://windowstipsandtriks.blogspot.in/2016/06/making-bootable-pendrive.html"

Saturday, 2 July 2016


I have seen many of the desktop users who install their OS by unethical means , face a problem while activating it . In many of the cases,the keys available online even won't work and they could not get rid of the  notifications for activating their windows. 

Well, If you are one of them,the best option for you would be activating your account using the kmspico software  (Download link - http://kmspico10.com/#) .

It can activate  any version of windows and Office on your desktop .The current version (through the link provided) supports WINDOWS 8\8.1\10 and OFFICE 2013 activation but,if you want to avtivate WINDOWS 7 or OFFICE 2010, you can download older versions from other unofficial websites . 

Make sure you have disabled your firewall,defender, and antivirus apps to use this software.

Otherwise, your app installation would be blocked .

The procedure of activation is very easy, you just have to install the software,open it and click the "red button icon" AND YOU ARE DONE

Congooo..., you just activated your office and windows in less than five minutes :)

A deatailed video of the whole procedure is provided below